We couldn't wait anymore. We fell asleep on the couch. Darn!
I missed Santa again! Maybe next year . . .
We couldn't wait anymore. We fell asleep on the couch. Darn!
I missed Santa again! Maybe next year . . .
Remy said, "La-dee-da . . . looks like a nice day out . . . la-dee-da . . . "
Ippuni said, "Don't look at me, Luc! I don't eat rocks like you morons do. Poodles are smart, yeah right."
Aubree said, "Hey, don't ask me! I have to help clean the rocks out--why would I do that?"
Now tell me, who do you think put the rocks in the pool?
I sure covered it well by asking everyone else though, didn't I? hee hee.
I'm kinda sad.
Remy was teasing me, "Awww, Luc is sad--such a shame."
Then he said, "You made us stay outside all day because you were licking everyone a million times!" And he imitated me and kept sticking his tongue out!
When I'm not so tired tomorrow, we'll see who gets licked--if you know what I mean.
Luc has some mega ears, doesn't he? Is it just me or does this haircut make his nose look bigger?
Golly, I'm handsome.
Oh yeah! Did I mention Ippuni went, too? Here are his before and after pictures.
He called shotgun. Lucky dog.
Mom gave me the blue one.
Luc ran! He was having a great time with the green one!
Here's Luc waiting for the Internet to work. I think he wants to write the blog today.