Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hammies in the House

Today we're going to introduce you to our little hammie brothers. Girl Girl saw our blog and said she would like to meet them so we thought that was a good idea. Here they are, Girl Girl!

Ralph is a dwarf hamster--he's kind of the family hammie. He can run in his ball like nobody's business! In fact, he went to the hamster races and he would most certainly have won had he not gone the wrong way! Goofy hamster.

He was excited to be on the blog! He wanted to write it!

Mom put him back in his house. He was saying, "But wait! I didn't finish the blog!" hee hee

This is Teddy, the Teddy Bear Hamster. He belongs to Aubree. Kind of cute, huh?

Here he is in Aubree's shoe.

So, what do you think? We think Teddy is more handsome but we think Ralph probably tastes . . . ahem . . . smells better.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I think they both are adorable! Teddy looks exactly like GG's brudder, FuFu.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

the many Bs said...

hi kids, we didn't know you have hamsters too. they're very cute. do you get to play with them?


Snowball said...

Those hammies are adorable. I hope you dun bully them like how you bullied Ippuni. :p


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh both of your hammie brothers are so cute. Is Teddy still a baby?
I wish I can go meet and play with them. :)

~ Girl girl

Lacy said...

woofies, dose hammies r sooo hopies u not give em a hard time....

b safe,