Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Waiting by the phone . . .

Dad left for a business trip today. We don't like it when he goes away. I don't think Mom likes it either. She says he'll be back in a few days.

When Dad left today, I heard him tell Mom he would call tonight. So, I decided to wait by the phone.

Dad, where are you?


Lacy said...

w00f's Luc, Remy and Ippuni, hope u daddy has called u by now and he comes home soon...

b safe,

Amber-Mae said...

Luc, you look awfully sad. I know he will call you guys soon...Be patient boy.

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw.. you look read sad there. I hope your daddy comes back home soon

~ Girl girl

the many Bs said...

that's too bad that your daddy has to go away. we hope that he calls you soon. maybe he will bring some treats for you when he comes back.


George the Pup said...

We hope your Dad has called and he's safe and sound. Thanks for the birthday wishes - it was a great day!

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

You have pretty curly ears! Do you ever talk you your beans when they are gone on the phone? I do!! It so fun! I like to hear mommy's voice!!

Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Doodles

Make sure you guard Mum, no sleeping on the job (better make the little mean one the sargeant major).


Charlie Boy